February 28 through March 4, 2022
Guest readers will be visiting classrooms to read stories to children.
Guest readers will be visiting classrooms to read stories to children.
Book Fair - November 10th through 12th in the Media Center
Wednesday - Friday / 8:10 am until 2:15 pm
Check out the website link starting on October 20th to set up your child's e-Wallet.
Wednesday - Friday / 8:10 am until 2:15 pm
Check out the website link starting on October 20th to set up your child's e-Wallet.
16th Annual National Day of Reading Monday, November 15, 2021
Reading is the single most important educational skill a child can learn. Reading sets the foundation for academic success and lifelong learning. Allowing your students the ability to choose the book that best suits their interests allows them to combine reading with something they love, willing them to read in and out of school. By making a day to spotlight reading in a fun and exciting way, we hope to encourage students across the country to make reading a daily habit and an activity that they choose to do.
~ Carson Scholars Fund
~ Carson Scholars Fund
Don't forget to return your Summer Reading BINGO sheet for prizes. I can't wait to see everyone!

Woodstation is proud to provide a FREE book to each student.
Students in Kindergarten through fifth grade have been given a free book to kick off their summer reading!
Students enjoyed selecting their own titles as they visited the library one last time this school year.
The program launched on May 6 in order to keep students learning all summer through the free reading program.
The partnership between Renaissance® and Get Georgia Reading provides every child, educator, librarian, and parent or guardian in Georgia unlimited, free access to thousands of enhanced digital books–plus daily news articles–through August 31, 2019. · Go to www.myon.com/login/index.html and enter your login information:
o School Name: Get Georgia Reading (type the first few letters and select from the drop-down menu) o Username: catoosacounty o Password: read · Click the Sign In button. · Select a book and start reading! |

The Spring fair is coming to
Woodstation February 25 through
March 1.
Woodstation February 25 through
March 1.
Hour of Code - December 3rd through December 7th at Woodstation Elementary School
On October 22, 2018, Woodstation's Library Storybook Pumpkin Patch began growing! Students and parents were encouraged to decorate a pumpkin to look like one of the student's favorite book characters. Wow, we have some creative students and parents!
October 15, 2018, Author Michael Finklea visited Woodstation and talked with 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students about his writing process and shared the first chapter from Creepers.
Scholastic's 2018 Fall Book Fair Theme
3404 COLBERT HOLLOW RD, ROCK SPRING, GA 30739 September 20th through September 28th (2018) Our Scholastic Book Fair is a reading event that provides the books kids want to read. It's a wonderful selection of engaging and affordable books for every reading level. Reading for pleasure inside and outside of school has real and long-lasting benefits. It unlocks the power of information and imagination and helps children discover who they are. Please make plans to come to our Book Fair and be involved in shaping your child's reading habits. Remember, all purchases benefit our school. I hope to see you at the Book Fair! Donna Knight Media Specialist |
September 21, 2018, Author Janie Dempsy Watts visited Woodstation and read Pap Pap Goes to Paris to students in Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grades.
Students in the 4th & 5th grade's reading club are reading Wonder by R. J. Palacio on Wednesday and Thursday mornings in the library from 7:25 until 7:50.
Students that read 20 books and completed a reading log were treated to breakfast in the library with prizes and treats on October 31, 2017.
Author Visit - October 6, 2017
11:30 a.m. - Parents are WELCOME
11:30 a.m. - Parents are WELCOME
Fourth & Fifth Grade students read the book during our morning reading club time prior to her visit in order to stimulate great conversation about her process.
September 25, 2017
We celebrated Woodstation Night
Catoosa County Library!
4:30 - 6:00
Parents that brought a photo ID were able to get their very own PINES library card!
We celebrated Woodstation Night
Catoosa County Library!
4:30 - 6:00
Parents that brought a photo ID were able to get their very own PINES library card!